The College Board officially announced SAT tests will be digital, and the first Digital SAT will be on March 9, 2024. What do we need to know about the new Digital SAT test?
The new Digital SAT consists of 4 modules. 2 of these modules contain Reading and Writing questions, and the other 2 modules contain Math questions. Reading and Writing Module-1 is 32 minutes, and Module-2 is 32 minutes. The total Reading and Writing section is 64 minutes. There is 10 minute break after Reading & Writing modules. Math Module-1 is 35 minutes and Module-2 is also 32 minutes. The total Math section is 70 minutes.

What are the differences in the New Digital SAT?
First, there are no more paper-based SAT exams; the students will take the exam with a computer or tablet. The new Digital SAT test will consist of two modules and be adaptive, which means the difficulty level of the second module will change depending on the student’s performance in the first module.
Second, there is no more “no calculator” restrictions, they’re expanding calculator use. The test provides a calculator, but also you can even bring your own.
Third, each student can bring their own laptop or tablet. On test days, you can use your own devices. No need to worry if you don’t have your own device. The test center will provide you with a device that you can use.

Digital SAT Test Dates and Deadlines ( 2024 )
Test days announced by the College Board are listed below.

Anticipated test days announced by the College Board are listed below.

Traditional SAT vs. The New Digital SAT 5 Key Differences
Traditional SAT
- 3 Hours
- Longer texts are associated with multiple questions.
- Calculators are only allowed in the second Math section.
- The same test is given all over the globe.
- Scores will be reported in 2 weeks.
Digital SAT
- 2 Hours 14 min
- Shorter texts, each tied to just one question.
- The Digital SAT has a built-in Desmos calculator that can be used on all Math questions.
- Questions in the 2nd module depend on how they performed on the 1st module.
- Scores will be reported in a few days.